Join us
MHS 50th Reunion
Class of '70 Golden Jubilee
Join Your Classmates
Hindsight is 2020
At this point, we have a database including a lot of our class contact information, but we don't have everyone. ManeLine has helped tremendously, working from our 40th Reunion information, ManeLine [Sherri Stelik, Chris Stivers, etc] subscriptions, and the help of individuals like Tana [Castrogiovanni]. In this age of Facebook, Twitter, Classmates, etc., telephone, and mail, it shouldn't be hard for us to reach nearly everyone. Click on "Looking For" at the top of this page.
You can update us on anyone who is on the list, contact them yourself, and direct them to this page, where they can add their information. Even if you only know one, they may know more. It snowballs.
We are going to make this 50th Reunion our best so far. With a massive attendance, perfect location, good food and entertainment, fun events, interesting and fun off-site activities, games and contests, and the Monarch Spirit, it will be one of the most memorable and enjoyable events in your life.
Even if you can't participate on the Committee, YOUR IDEAS are needed for what we can or should do. This is YOUR reunion, and you've had half a century to think about it, so cough it up. Click on "The Committee" at the top of this page to see who we have so far.
Give us your Email and we will keep you posted on our progress and how you can help make it the best!
If you don't have email, mail your contact info to PO Box 2417, Idyllwild, CA 92549.